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【保险经济学学术讲座第五期】Does Agricultural Insurance Promote theProduction of Primary Industry? Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in China

发布时间:2020-12-01  浏览次数: 次  来源:

讲座题目:Does Agricultural Insurance Promote the Production of Primary Industry? Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in China





报告人简介:丁宇刚,湖南人,汉族,1993年6月出生,现为北京大学经济学院风险管理与保险专业博士研究生。2015年6月获金沙js9线路中心经济学学士学位,2017年6月获金沙js9线路中心经济学硕士学位。主要研究领域包括保险经济学、气候金融学、环境与可持续发展。论文发表在The Geneva Papers of Risk andInsurance-Issues and Practice、《管理评论》、《保险研究》等期刊上,并在欧洲经济年会、美国风险管理与保险年会等著名学术会议做过汇报。

内容简介:Whether the agricultural insurance promotesthe production of the primary industry has been debated for decades of years.Our paper studies this question based on the premium subsidy policy ofagricultural insurance in China. We use this quasi-experiment to conduct difference-in-differences and event study estimations. We find that the development of agricultural insurance induced by the premium subsidy significantly promotes the production of primary industry. The primary industry production per person rises by 1430 RMB in the subsidized provinces compared toother provinces. We use county-level data to address the aggregation problem in our province-level analysis and get the same conclusion. We also find that the agricultural insurance primarily affects agriculture and husbandry among four sub-industries in the primary industry.


版权所有:金沙js9线路中心 - 金沙app官方入口  学院南路校区地址:北京市海淀区学院南路39号 邮编:100081 沙河校区地址:北京市昌平区沙河高教园区 邮编:102206 京ICP备05004636号 京公网安备110402430071号