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【龙马奋进·校庆70周年学术系列讲座】RelativeFraming of Public Good Contributions with Varying Endowment Distribution

发布时间:2019-10-31  浏览次数: 次  来源:

报告主题:Relative Framing of Public Good Contributions with Varying Endowment Distribution


时间:2019年11月7日(周四)下午2:00 pm


内容摘要:Individual contributions to public goods can be framed as absolute amounts or as relative proportions of income. This paper examines the effect of such framing oncontributions of group members to a public good in a laboratory experiment.Group members have high and low amounts of endowed funds available tocontribute to the public good and the number of high-endowment members in each group varies between treatments. All participants play the public good game without and with minimal contribution level(MCL). We express the contributio nmetric and MCLs either as absolute amount or as a relative proportion of agroup member’s available endowment. The results of the experiment are consistent with our hypotheses that these institutional designs affect contribution behavior through shifting reference points of the members’ decisions. First,high-endowment members tend to contribute a lower proportion of their available funds compared with the low-endowment members. Second, average contribution in a group increases with the number of high-endowment members in the group.Third, the relative framing significantly reduces the probability that some members contribute all of their available funds. Fourth, the difference in average contributions between absolute and relative proportion mostly disappears when MCL is available.

报告人简介:中国人民大学经济学院教授,在美国卡耐基梅隆大学获公共政策与管理博士学位。主要研究兴趣包括行为和实验经济学,公共政策,收入分配,消费行为。研究成果曾发表在Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Comparative Economics, China and World Economy,《世界经济》,《金融研究》等学术刊物上。曾获国际冲突管理学会(IACM)年会最佳论文奖,《金融研究》优秀论文奖。主持过多项国家自然科学基金项目。现任世界行为经济学学会中国区代表,世界经济论坛全球未来理事会专家委员。

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