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【讲座预告】The Duty to Defend in USA Insurance Law

发布时间:2017-12-07  浏览次数: 次  来源:

讲座时间:2017年12月11日 下午 3:40-5:10


主讲人:Jeffrey W.Stempel

内华达大学法学院教授,1981年毕业于耶鲁大学法学院,分别在布鲁克林法学院、佛罗里达州立大学、内达华大学任教。他是Yale Law and Policy Review杂志的创始人,在Risk Management & Insurance Review,Nev. Lawyer,Journal of Risk And Insurance等杂志上发表过数十篇论文,他是American Law Institute、美国律师协会、American Bar Foundation等十多家机构的成员。


·Automobile Insurance in the USA.

·Liability Insurance is Big in the USA.

·Primary and Excess / Umbrella Insurance.

·The Problem of Restating USA Insurance Law.

·Making Sense of State-to-State Differences in USA Insurance Law.

·Examples of Divisive Insurance Issues in the USA.

·How Can This Happen? USA Legal Ethics Meets Insurance.


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